What motivated his terrifying rampage which was premeditated and planned?
After committing such atrocities, why does he wear this fateful, un-hateful, happy face?
It does not look like the face of an insane person to me, it is too intense with intention.
It is the face of predator who just finished eating its prey!
It is the face of punishment of self and of others for everything wrong that needed to be set right.
It is the face of penal code personified, problem persona, personality patchwork pasted parody.
It is the face of politics!
*********** Sanity or Insanity ***** Criminal or Not ********
I think the bottom line is “posing a danger to self or others” ..... that would be the essential criminal or insane demarcation line or if one is “going to pose a danger to self or others” either now or in the future.
The determination is sometimes made subjectively by an authority “thought” to be competent to judge another’s behavior and health. Their presumed competency to judge is sometimes compromised greatly by papers reducing reality and subject’s behaviors to sentences and words as written by someone perhaps lacking in necessary verbal skills and observations who may not be competent to do and even further clouded if typing or keying errors occur in the paper work or not familiar with the English language as their primary language or from incompatible cultural backgrounds.
Only if someone is rational, coherent, and in control, willfully, intentionally, chooses an evil and harmful conduct toward others, he is deemed a criminal.... otherwise, not in control of their behavior, then deemed insane. The harm done in both cases may be the same, but the consequences are not very different, one is rehabilitated and the other treated. They may or may not be incarcerated, one in jail/prison, the other in an asylum of varying degrees of controls or they may be supervised while remaining free in their community under constraints limiting their freedom. In both cases, either criminal or insane, the person will forever be a future second class citizen suffering suspicion, social stigmas, and scrutiny by others fearful of what could happen. Sometimes their fear is greatly exaggerated and becomes a phobia or creates it own kind of problems complicating the social setting surrounding both the suspect and the scrutinizer.
It is prudent to prevent self and societal injuries and harm, so social guardians establish means of assessing individual’s rational, coherent, competency, and in-control behavior to norms established, and more importantly, assesses judgment governing the individual’s behavior. This is very subjective and difficult and becomes even more difficult if the person is a high IQ individual and has always been different than mainstreamers.
There is never enough time or money to do justice to another under any circumstance in the social systems now practiced. So the degree of imperfection in the process is obvious by observing the snowballing increased size and number of the penal systems, joblessness, poor physical and mental health of the population, number of doctors and medical care staff, and an eclipsed economy failing in performance and productivity as a result of untenable social systems ineptness.
Loughner represents Politics.... not mental illness.... politics .....!! Loughner is very sane .... but evil.... willfully and intentionally exercised his free will to injure and damage not only his self but others .... that is usually the definition of mental illness also, but I think that is incorrect and blurs the line between criminal behavior and behavior resulting from mental health failures...
The danger to self and others is the state where criminals and mentally ill overlap but the two are not the same. In Loughner’s case it is the definition of evil criminal behavior and his free will exercised evilly .... free choice that God gave us .... there are the satanists, terrorists, and other anti social threats among us and if we use the insanity defense for them we are doing a great injustice to mental health progress.... one must discriminate between criminal evil conduct and conduct lacking mental health.... Loughner, knowingly, intentionally, willfully committed a crime against humanity and against himself... and was sane.
Sigh.... it is sad they are making Loughner the picture boy of mental illness.... was Satan mentally ill? I doubt it .... If God gave us choice to choose good or evil but we intentionally choose evil over good, and in clear and competent mind know it is an evil act and are aware of the consequences then how does society protect themselves from those evil doers .... how do we identify evil in the minds of others... does society with its established status hierarchial status levels create evil doers from those possessing the potential and disposition to become evil doers? Where DO bad people come from and why?