Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Face of an Assassin-Loughner


Face of an assassin .... how did this go so bad?

What motivated his terrifying rampage which was premeditated and planned?

After committing such atrocities, why does he wear this fateful, un-hateful, happy face?

It does not look like the face of an insane person to me, it is too intense with intention.

It is the face of predator who just finished eating its prey!

It is the face of punishment of self and of others for everything wrong that needed to be set right.

It is the face of penal code personified, problem persona, personality patchwork pasted parody.

It is the face of politics!

*********** Sanity or Insanity ***** Criminal or Not ********

I think the bottom line is “posing a danger to self or others” ..... that would be the essential criminal or insane demarcation line or if one is “going to pose a danger to self or others” either now or in the future.

The determination is sometimes made subjectively by an authority “thought” to be competent to judge another’s behavior and health. Their presumed competency to judge is sometimes compromised greatly by papers reducing reality and subject’s behaviors to sentences and words as written by someone perhaps lacking in necessary verbal skills and observations who may not be competent to do and even further clouded if typing or keying errors occur in the paper work or not familiar with the English language as their primary language or from incompatible cultural backgrounds.

Only if someone is rational, coherent, and in control, willfully, intentionally, chooses an evil and harmful conduct toward others, he is deemed a criminal.... otherwise, not in control of their behavior, then deemed insane. The harm done in both cases may be the same, but the consequences are not very different, one is rehabilitated and the other treated. They may or may not be incarcerated, one in jail/prison, the other in an asylum of varying degrees of controls or they may be supervised while remaining free in their community under constraints limiting their freedom. In both cases, either criminal or insane, the person will forever be a future second class citizen suffering suspicion, social stigmas, and scrutiny by others fearful of what could happen. Sometimes their fear is greatly exaggerated and becomes a phobia or creates it own kind of problems complicating the social setting surrounding both the suspect and the scrutinizer.

It is prudent to prevent self and societal injuries and harm, so social guardians establish means of assessing individual’s rational, coherent, competency, and in-control behavior to norms established, and more importantly, assesses judgment governing the individual’s behavior. This is very subjective and difficult and becomes even more difficult if the person is a high IQ individual and has always been different than mainstreamers.

There is never enough time or money to do justice to another under any circumstance in the social systems now practiced. So the degree of imperfection in the process is obvious by observing the snowballing increased size and number of the penal systems, joblessness, poor physical and mental health of the population, number of doctors and medical care staff, and an eclipsed economy failing in performance and productivity as a result of untenable social systems ineptness.

Loughner represents Politics.... not mental illness.... politics .....!! Loughner is very sane .... but evil.... willfully and intentionally exercised his free will to injure and damage not only his self but others .... that is usually the definition of mental illness also, but I think that is incorrect and blurs the line between criminal behavior and behavior resulting from mental health failures...

The danger to self and others is the state where criminals and mentally ill overlap but the two are not the same. In Loughner’s case it is the definition of evil criminal behavior and his free will exercised evilly .... free choice that God gave us .... there are the satanists, terrorists, and other anti social threats among us and if we use the insanity defense for them we are doing a great injustice to mental health progress.... one must discriminate between criminal evil conduct and conduct lacking mental health.... Loughner, knowingly, intentionally, willfully committed a crime against humanity and against himself... and was sane.

Sigh.... it is sad they are making Loughner the picture boy of mental illness.... was Satan mentally ill? I doubt it .... If God gave us choice to choose good or evil but we intentionally choose evil over good, and in clear and competent mind know it is an evil act and are aware of the consequences then how does society protect themselves from those evil doers .... how do we identify evil in the minds of others... does society with its established status hierarchial status levels create evil doers from those possessing the potential and disposition to become evil doers? Where DO bad people come from and why?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Know When to Shift to Reverse

Any material possession demands its space, maintenance, and accommodation in your life and alters it to some degree or another .... the more you own, the more you are owned.... it is and it isn’t a problem to living your life depending on the contract you have made with your materialistic status sheet ...

Just like mental illness that is ever so gradual onset, so too, one can suddenly become too encumbered by their possessions .... or analogously, sort of having one kid too many and you realize you are no longer able to have a life to live because everything and more than everything available is consumed with no relief in sight (too many kids bankruptcy).

It never ceases to amaze me how a woman can repeatedly get pregnant and lacks the financial ability required for support, and the husband dutifully steps up to meet the new demands until ...... the last pregnancy resulted in a critically ill baby or child and the medical situation was so intense it causes divorce and then the husband fights alimony and tries to reduce child support to the minimum .... or the Mother runs off leaving the kids with their Dad .... or some other crisis occurs .... it all happened one kid at a time .... just like hoarding happens one possession at a time however you obtain it .... you have filled all of the available space and can not move to a larger home.... so then you give truckloads to Good Will or Salvation Army or have a chain of weekend yard sales .... but for some who are chronic hoarders..... they can not let go .... (The Monkey Trap)???? So many kids are not receiving their fair share of parental attention simply because of lack of family planning???? And the citizen tax payer is greater encumbered and the entire world to accommodate the exploding population ...

Just like the woman who can not make responsible family planning and not get pregnant without means to provide for the new addition, a person takes on more possessions than is sustainable ... The latter situation is more easily corrected than the first....

It is a problem if the problem is not self limiting whether it be hoarding or having one kid too many.... once your personal choices and actions require others’ intervention and subsidizing in some way for your oversight and self indulgence and gratifications then you have certainly crossed the line inexcusably... there should always be a margin of safety zone before you cross the line. Sometimes others can see you are in a danger zone when you can not. Listen to them.

Thank God for the birth control pill.... take it! Thank God for Good Will.... donate... reclaim space and time .... physically and mentally. Thank God there are persons wanting to adopt either babies, or pets, or other over accumulated collectibles in your life. Know when to shift to reverse.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A poem I wrote this morning .... "MINE"


Sometimes when I look at what is mine,
I'm quite satisfied there is enough.
My gathering is all quite benign,
But others say I have too much stuff.

Hoarding is bad, but saving is good.
I am not greedy, collecting things.
Plenty there, never bare, and with food,
Planning ahead, my happiness brings.

Some think there is way too much clutter...
I organize my home for my self,
Not content with JUST bread and butter.
Life placates body PLUS MENTAL health!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Insanity Defense and Fate versus Destiny

In evaluating how we use what God has given us "choice" and in determining the guilt or innocence of one who is accused of committing a crime whether he be insane or not, it is important to distinguish between fate and destiny. 

In the prosecution of an accused criminal, it is also important to decide if the accused knowingly, willingly, and intentionally acted criminally. It can be argued the insane person lacks that ability, and also the ability to know right from wrong, but I do not believe the insane person can be so easily excused or exonerated since social order requires that a person be accountable for their actions if they live freely in society and community (to live freely they must not overtly reject or avoid their own mental health treatment and care), and if they can not competently maintain their mental health then the social system is obligated and must care for them protectively for their good or the safety of others.

Moreover, mental illness is often very treatable. Crime would decrease dramatically if instead of slurring the mentally ill as many do, we made medications other than alcohol and pot much more available and provided local easily accessible treatment. Recent mad man shooting victim Congresswoman Gifford held her congress on the corner (the site of the assassination and mass shootings)..... what if there were day to day improved mental health in and on every one’s minds at all times? When you recall all the hype and publicity providing recent flu vaccines .... why do we not see that for mental health in many different doses unavoidable as we interact in our community and with our government and others?

For the future, we should lobby to reconstruct the lagging public mental health services that our legislature has stripped of funding. The police and justice system continues to increase. Let’s address the source of what police and the justice system are feeding on. Whether or not we want it to be so, we have citizens in Arizona who are in need of treatment manifested by homelessness, child abuse, sex crimes, unemployables, severe debilitating dysfunctional disorders, spousal abuse and addiction. We have buried our heads in the sand too long refusing to believe we must deal with these issues.

If mental health is the goal and better systems provided for improved mental health in all cases there would be no crime, no victims, and no legal avoidance of guilt or consequences for individual or collective group decisions, actions, and behavior.

It is not so much that I am opposed to the insanity defense as that I am advocating improved mental health which would alleviate costly crime, the criminally harmful acts of persons lacking mental health, education, and employment. For a government to focus on negative punishments, to not provide the architecture for improved health, education, employment, and welfare of its people, is a formula for disaster and that disaster is inexcusable as well as insane. It is a formula which creates insane persons and criminals at ever increasing cost to its endangered citizens.

They do report that less than 1% use the insanity defense ..... even so how much is it used is irrelevant reasons for or against it ...with as much crime as exists in America even 1% is a large quantity ....

I was sent to the Arizona state institution via insanity defense which the public defender found to be the easiest way to satisfy all concerned and it was simply to remove me as an obstacle legally because of a fence dispute and subsequent contempt of court charge against me because my neighbor and the city was claiming my property wooden fence for my needy neighbor who they were giving (building) her a new fence as neighborhood improvements,,, to save money on my side they claimed my fence which I had just recently rebuilt as maintenance on my property line where the old fence stood, my property was taken and sacrificed politically hence I ended up in the state institution making it easier for the state to prove their false claim against my property and its true border (eventually my case won but only after hiring my own private real estate lawyer at $6000 plus cost, the newly rebuilt fence and the long established border line are legally mine (but the cost for me was exorbitant personally and financially). Virtually all others in the Arizona state institution I met there came also as a result of insanity defense cases. Many of the cases were simply political persecutions and power plays. Notable exceptions were those similar to the case of a young woman who had killed her young daughter and then was treated and released as sane and able to return to society after 2 years time.

Because of the abuses of the insanity defense and its being used as means to achieve other ends than justice (allowing political and social abuses), I am opposed to it since I have witnessed and experienced the prosecutions close up personally in the State of Arizona. The state of Arizona is flooded with either prisoners or mentally ill persons and more created daily at great cost to the citizens and that is one reason the state is billions in the red budget wise.

It is not so much that I am opposed to the insanity defense as that I am advocating improved mental health which would alleviate costly crime which are acts of persons lacking mental health, education, and employment. For a government to focus on negative punishments, to not provide the architecture for improved health, education, employment, and welfare of its people, is a formula for disaster and that disaster is inexcusable as well as insane. It is a formula which creates insane persons and criminals at ever increasing cost to the endangered citizens.

Destiny versus fate
Although the words are used interchangeably in many cases, fate and destiny can be distinguished. It depends on how narrow or broad the definitions are. Broadly speaking, fate is destiny. Narrowly and to be more accurate, traditional usage defines fate as a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable". Fate is used with regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and that same sense of finality, projected into the future to become the inevitability of events as they will work themselves out, is Destiny. In other words, fate relates to events of the past and is proven to be true and unalterable, whereas destiny relates to the probable to almost certain future. Note that it is only almost certain and not absolutely certain, allowing for change to occur. This can be seen in our common language usage, e.g. "His calling, his destiny is to be a doctor." Will he definitely be a doctor? Well, it remains to be seen.
In classical and European mythology, there are three goddesses dispensing fate, the "Fates" known as Moirae in Greek mythology, as Parcae in Roman mythology, and Norns in Norse mythology; they determine the events of the world through the mystic spinning of threads that represent individual human destinies.
One word derivative of "fate" is "fatality", another "fatalism". Fate implies no choice, and ends fatally, with a death. Fate is an outcome determined by an outside agency acting upon a person or entity; but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself. Participation happens willfully.
Used in the past tense, "destiny" and "fate" are both more interchangeable, both imply "one's lot" or fortunes, and include the sum of events leading up to a currently achieved outcome (e.g. "it was her destiny to be leader" and "it was her fate to be leader").

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mental Illness Hot Topic, January 13, 2011

Because of the recent shooting in Tucson by 22 year old gunman Loughner, allegedly mentally ill, shooting 19 persons and killing 6 (including a 9 year old girl), mental illness was featured on tonight's Katie Couric national news broadcast. I have taped it for closer study of the facts reported. In America, she reports that 20 out of every 100 persons are mentally ill and 5 of those 20 are chronically mentally ill and 1 of those 5 a serious threat to self or others ..... then she reports that mentally ill persons are no more likely to commit a crime statistically than those not mentally ill according to recent research. 
Okay, so it is now finally time to take mental illness out of the closet and make much needed improvements increasing overall individual, societal, and governmental mental health without further false belief-every-thing-is-ok hegemony.  Mental health can not be achieved for an individual separate from the society and government which are also similarly afflicted.   Improving sanity versus the varying degrees of insanity is the goal.
Each and every citizen can
improve their individual sanity,
work to improve their interpersonal relationship in society,
improve their productivity economically,
improve their performance to potentials and beyond, 
influence their government to focus on mental health,
and construct systems that promote mental health eliminating obstructions eroding it.
One such important improvement would be examining the language of madness (read Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison's book that has a chapter on that subject) ..... another would be allowing problems with mental health to receive the same treatment as physical health problems and in fact, I believe mental health problems are predominantly physical health problems localized in the brain and nervous system and are exacerbated by the unhealthy, contradictory and confused socialized environment in which those without mental health, the mentally afflicted, live. 
Friends don't let friends avoid  the necessity of being mentally healthier each minute of every day for the rest of their lives. Then, when mental health is clearly evident to all around the world, Americans will finally be able to rest in peace, passing prosperity to the next generation as proud Americans who won the most important battle-- the battle for mental health winning the war within ourselves.
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    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    Mysterious Uncertainties of Life

    Uncertainty is certainly uncomfortable ... but some of us are more tolerant and view it the same as a risk management.

    I think I have grown fond of the mysteries in life and in some cases feel they should be accepted as such else why would there be imaginaries in mathematics? 

    The mystique of life with its uncertainties, leaving us to our imagination for the unknowable, is as sensuous as the mystique of sexual attraction, lingerie suggestiveness being better than brutal nakedness.

    Society has its dress codes and so do the mysteries of life and death.

    If we view risks as uncertainties or uncontrolled known, or unknown variables, then one makes a calculated decision that will have uncertain results. Life and living is coping with uncertainties. The more adventurously we live, the more uncertainties.... Life on the edge has maximum uncertainties.... researchers thrive on the challenge others are threatened by it. How fully persons engage life and live it is revealed by how they manage risks in it.

    The strategies to manage risk include...
    transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk.

    Exuberance - A Passion For Life

    I finished the book “The Unquiet Mind" by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison and have purchased another written by her, a downloadable Kindle from titled “Exuberance – The Passion For Life”.

    How do you think Exuberance compares to HAPPINESS? JOY? ECSTASY? Gladness and Cheerfulness....? I think it is all of those positive moods expressed kinetically and energetically, an exhilarating excitement just to be alive especially at that emotional moment of feeling so intense. Oh, I have had those natural highs ..... deriving immense pleasure creating wonderful, lasting memories! What a wonderful title for a book don’t you think?

    Below is a screen image print of the beginning of the book which I thought worthy of sharing with you ... perhaps you will want to read some of Dr. Jamison’s books?

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Love.... A Valentine Greeting

    It is not too early to think of February 14, th 2011, Valentines’ Day .... a day celebrating and focusing on LOVE.

    I made the above animation this afternoon inspired by other traditional valentines often simply bounded and limited to human to human emotional feelings of love and affection .... Love crosses all of life’s boundaries and I hope this graphic conveys that meaning and feeling... One can love another so deeply it permeates through other life forms to its destination ... and other universes.... that is God’s love and the power of love a soul can communicate. Love empowers all life where ever and however it exists. I believe Love is what saved my little Pekingese and allowed him to live.

    Yolanda, for all she has ever loved and been loved in return.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    Touch of Fire .... and The Unquiet Mind authored by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison...

    An Excerpt from Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison's book "A Touch of Fire" about bipolar mental illness ...
    I had my 3 month visit with my psychiatrist at Choices Network of Arizona this morning at a cost of $3 co-pay ..... I need my Zyprexa prescription refilled since I can only get a 90 day supply at a time .... To fill the prescription for 90 days costs about $116 with my insurance plan and soon I am hopeful there will be a less expensive generic form.  After taking voluntarily and involuntarily so many other medications with extreme side affects, I can truthfully say I like Zyprexa and have no complaints about it and greatly appreciate how it enhances my life and mental functioning.  I only take a 2.5 mg dosage daily and find that is sufficient.  It is preferred that a patient take the minimal dosage necessary to achieve better mental health and not to be over dosed.

    Every time I go to the Maricopa County Arizona mental health organization provider (s) they have completely changed to a new provider, and if the same they have reorganized, and each time I have another new and different Dr .... it is a treat ... a real delight for me and sometimes for the Dr. if he meets my standards otherwise he (my victim of the day) is usually left speechless with my acrimonious critique of his incompetence and ineptness ... I am not a title 19 and as such receive minimal attention since the Arizona budget is deeply in the red by billions, and there will most likely be even more cut backs in mental health services in the County.  I also wanted a referral to the PSA Art Awakenings but was informed that is only for title 19 patients..... (sigh), so I will volunteer my time and resources to them directly feeling that I have something to offer they would appreciate receiving. 

    This morning, my delight and positive reinforcement reward was the immense pleasure of meeting Dr. Robert Westlake, MD (Psychiatry) ... He and I had a great rapport, and we mutually covered a lot of subject matter and updates in just a few minutes (time is valuable to both of us) ..... he recommended I read a book written by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison titled "A Touch of Fire" .... Ms. Jamison is a psychologist and is bi-polar.... manic depressive .... she also wrote another shorter book called "The Unquiet Mind" .... both books were recommended reading and I greatly appreciate Dr. Westlake, MD introducing Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, MD .
    An Unquiet Mind
    The Bottom Line
    Everyone who experiences mania and depression will benefit from reading this book. Every doctor, judge, police officer and criminal or family attorney should be required to read it. And every family member and friend of someone diagnosed with manic depression, especially bipolar I and II disorders, or of someone exhibiting the symptoms, will gain from reading Kay Redfield Jamison's courageous autobiography.
    • Skillfully written, without a trace of self-pity.
    • Will greatly increase understanding for those who deal with or love someone with this illness.
    • Deals well with tough subjects like denial and medication compliance.
    Guide Review - "An Unquiet Mind" by Kay Redfield Jamison
    An Unquiet Mind is a powerful, uncompromising and illuminating story of severe manic-depressive illness from the informed perspective of a psychologist, psychotherapist and researcher who has lived with the illness for more than 30 years. Kay Redfield Jamison's work clearly illustrates the complex nature of the most deadly form of the illness - bipolar I disorder, severe, with psychotic features.
    Manic depression (the author dislikes the term "bipolar disorder") is revealed as a creature of many moods: the seductively effortless well-being, confidence and energy of hypomania; the on- or over-the-edge frenzies of mania; the long, narrow gray prison of depression. Readers will feel the lure of a psychotic flight through the rings and moons of Saturn, share the terror of a experiencing a bloody hallucination, and even gain an understanding of the dark obsession with death and the pressures and rationalizations that led the author to a near-fatal suicide attempt. The importance of mixed episodes - the agitated merge of mania and depression - is emphasized in painful detail.
    Dr. Jamison makes an excellent case, through her own experiences, for the need to treat manic depression with both medication and psychotherapy. And the precautionary agreement she describes making with her family and psychiatrist in the event she should become a danger to herself is something anyone who has experienced suicidal impulses should consider.
