Monday, December 7, 2015

Self Portrait Yolanda Martin

Digital Painting using FotoSketcher installed in Windows 10 computer and a web cam photo as underpainting. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Insane Owls

.... The co-dependent owl says... You, You, You...
the bipolar owl says ... Up, Down, Up.....
the anti- social owl says nothing but acts menacing....
 the megalomaniac owl?...says nothing expects submission, subservient offerings, and is named Trump.
And the passive aggressive owl says 'see what you made me do.'...also Trump...
in fact all the owls are Trump, and insanely wealthy.
Disassociative identity disorder owl says ...Me, the other me, any another me...Trump 1, Trump 2, Trump 3, all Republicans!!!
If elected President, he will be the most insane and most wealthy ever I win that prestigious privileged paycheck for life but also most likely to be assassinated in office by one of his many enemies of his making during the campaign.

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Daily Physical Exercise Regimen

When asked my personal goal and why I am attending the LA Fitness Gym, my reply is "So I can out run and overtake Old Age who is running extremely fast just ahead of me!" ..... For that reason and many others, I am motivated to continue my  : 
I start by working out on my favorite exercise equipment, ending with the treadmill where I can monitor the time, distance, and my heart rate then I shower to go relax in the Jacuzzi, swim in the spacious, uncrowded pool , participate in the aquatics class, and lastly, I shower again to remove the chlorine from skin and suit, dry off in the sauna (180 degrees F) dress in street clothes and am now  ready to go home to fix my breakfast which I can enjoy knowing I have completed another day's fitness regimen.

There are many at the gym who are beautifully fit, in their prime zone of good health, but there are also others who need to self improve like myself because they are overweight, lacking muscle tone, elderly or needing physical rehabilitation,but all are there to improve their physical self and wellness.  Each day I go, I try to do a little more, and also I am feeling more comfortable with myself in-this-out-of-my-comfort-zone-environment.  With all the mirrors on the wall, I can face reality seeing my before and imagining my ideal self after image, both motivating me to keep exercising.  I am actually enjoying my daily workout!  I also have an online LA Fitness account logging in with my member id which enables me to check the weekly schedules, log my workouts, and track my time of attendance.  Watch out Old Age because you are being challenged as I work to take my life towards improved physical well being (the mental health benefits from the physical workout as well as the self esteem and the peace of my soul).
Made this video using LG Ultimate 2 Android Phone camera and video functions then used Windws 8.1 Movie Maker to combine the 2 videos and 19 photos into one video uploaded to YouTube for sharing.

If you pause and reflect for a moment, there is beautiful art in the human physique, physically fit without fat (morbidly obese) or deformities and a body able to exhibit fluid motion, full mobility as seen in dancing or simply exhibiting grace in walking, sitting, and other movements such as reaching or bending to connect with objects or others, and to do tasks as needed during the day.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, enhanced by the absence of pain and poverty which detracts from our ideal selves.

Beauty is as valued as truth, talent, AND TIME needed to live a full and free life, to achieve what fulfills us and propels us, to attain better human performance, productivity, and peace to please and to feed our spiritual souls.

You may not have the time to view this video about physical exercise or you may simply think negative of it for whatever reason, but that doesn't diminish the pleasure I had in creating it. I am able to view it again and again during my exercise adjustment and derive pleasure by sharing the educational benefits healthy lifestyle choices offered by a fully equipped gym and exercise space environment gives us all collectively and individually. I think this is the one and only thing I could do to improve my chances of living a healthier and happier life. I really would not live very long if I continued with the medical establishment because it was merely adding to my health problems and not solving them.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

National Be Kind To Your Doctor Day

During my annual physical exam, my Dr. said "I am going to give you 3 words "Pencil, Ball, Chair" and I want you to remember them because later I am going to ask you what were the 3 words :" .... Well we continued discussing my leukemia, my lymphoma, my Sjohrens's disease and rheumatism, and talked about the nodule in my right lung that he is sending me to a lung doctor specialist and he ordered me to take a mamogram and to have rheumatologist send me her findings and then the visit was over after doing a pain assessment .  

That night I woke up shortly after midnight and realized he never asked me what the 3 words that I was supposed to remember so I called his office and told his receptionist the words were "Pencil, Ball, Chair" and she had to write it down because she said she would never remember that. LOL

                                  (National Be Kind To Your Doctor Day......!)