Sunday, August 9, 2015

Insane Owls

.... The co-dependent owl says... You, You, You...
the bipolar owl says ... Up, Down, Up.....
the anti- social owl says nothing but acts menacing....
 the megalomaniac owl?...says nothing expects submission, subservient offerings, and is named Trump.
And the passive aggressive owl says 'see what you made me do.'...also Trump...
in fact all the owls are Trump, and insanely wealthy.
Disassociative identity disorder owl says ...Me, the other me, any another me...Trump 1, Trump 2, Trump 3, all Republicans!!!
If elected President, he will be the most insane and most wealthy ever I win that prestigious privileged paycheck for life but also most likely to be assassinated in office by one of his many enemies of his making during the campaign.