Thursday, March 15, 2012

Psychiatrists or Psychologists

Psychiatrists (medical doctors whose province is the functioning of the brain)and psychologists (not medical doctors but resolve patient’s problems with testing and psycho therapy counseling) work together to improve mental health of their patients and in the community. How did the term shrink become a very derogatory pejorative? That word has done much harm to the profession and for many who are reluctant to see a doctor for their mental health. You will see no really good explanation for the origin of the word shrink being applied to a psychiatrist and sometimes to the psychologist. In fact most of what you will read belongs in the dark ages along with were-wolves, witches, warlocks, and vampires. Mental health attitudes do need to be improved greatly and then you will see mental health of Americans improve and America improve as a nation. One has a better chance of getting a heart transplant than adequate mental health care in today’s health care system. Who pays? That is always the question. But we can see the results of overcrowded prisons, drug addictions, and many other mental health issues costs because mental health is not a priority and affordable.

I have a very good psychiatrist and have seen many (too many) mental health practitioners who call themselves psychiatrists but I don’t agree they are competently qualified despite what their credentials say. I have seen enough to form a valid sample needed to rate them via various criteria I have used in my various visits. I know there is a BIG difference in their quality of service and results they provide on the behalf of their patient. Mental health care professionals are expensive and so are the medicines they prescribe like Zyprexa, but since I am a bi-polar patient I have been lucky have my mental health restored. Psychiatrists (competent ones) do know how to prescribe the correct medications then monitor their patient’s mental health improvements.

There really shouldn’t be a stigma attached to going to a psychiatrist any more than visiting a dermatologist, allergist, heart specialist, or another other specialist for a health “condition”. It took a long while for me to consider my psychiatrist as my best friend, and my only advice to others is it is better to see ANY reputable mental health practitioner rather than to continue in an unhealthy state of mind or mood burdening your family, friends, or employers. I have never had a psychiatrist offer a couch for me to lay on and think that belongs to the psychologist’s sterotype of practices. Since my condition was one that could be treated with Zyprexa at a low dose and I had the means to pay, I have never seen a psychologist myself except for some IQ testing and personality assessments or my employer furnished theirs to evaluate its prospective employees. I think psychologists and therapists are for treating phobias and behavioral maladies and not for problems mental problems of bi-polar, schizophrenia, or other severe mental conditions for which medication is the mainstay of treatment. The psychologists could be viewed as generalists who are able to recognize when to refer a patient to a psychiatrist or sometimes the patient just goes directly to the psychiatrist who then might recommend a psychologist to provide therapy along with any medications that are to be prescribed. Neither profession should be referred to in derogatory terms.

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