Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Value of Ending

An unending decimal fraction....  4/6=2/3= .6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666..... to infinity, and the only way you can terminate it is by deciding just how many decimal places you are going to allow before rounding the fraction and moving on with your affairs.  In a way, it is like that with life when we are locked into an unacceptable stale mate game of anything ....

You just have to stop and then continue doing what you want to do with the remainder of your life. 

In a way that is the best explanation for my 3 divorces, for friendships that soured and which needed to end, and with life and aging.  When we stop living productively with purpose and satisfaction, we need to recognize the irrational math and make changes, if we can, else we die trying until we give up or the stress kills us. 

My study in mathematics has taught me to solve the problems that are solvable, and to recognize the ones that are unsolvable, and to not waste time on the ones that are unsolvable.  Life is too precious and too short to kill time experiencing futility with no future fulfillment. Also true, sometimes in mathematics we want to have an easy or desired answer and do not  realize that what we think is the answer is not.  When we think we have an answer, we must test and validate it before allowing ourselves the satisfaction of feeling that eureka euphoria high.  

Life is an art work, that even though we think we are finished with a little more examination and care we find there is still more work before it is completed

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