Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Truth in Art .... ???

Art is representational or non representational .... realistic, impressionistic, abstract, or any of a number of other adjectives used to describe the artist's creation.... I read the following in this morning's Robert Genn's email to me this morning and am still thinking about the concept of truth being used as he has extended it to be.... ???? Wouldn't that be stretching the truth more than just a little? Perhaps truth does have these different "faces" , but the truth of error?  This is a very creative use of the meaning of the concept of truth indeed.... I  find what Robert wrote to be very thought provoking and true....
.............Art has the potential for another kind of truth--the truth of illusion, distortion, anomaly, enigma, exaggeration, paucity, understatement, embellishment and error. If everything in a picture were exactly as in nature, there would be little to engage anyone, much less give them something to talk about. Art fascinates for reasons the artist and the viewer cannot always define. We sit in front of our work and say, "There's something funny about this, but I don't know what it is." .................  

.... truth's deceptions stripped of all pretenses ?

Wonderfully imaginative and lovable.....

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