Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Why vandalism? I went to get in my 1997 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck to go to the grocery store to buy some eggs that were on sale for 99cents/dozen and saw a large 6 inch diameter rock laying next to my driver's side front wheel and thought that was odd as I picked it up and put it to the side of my driveway. Then I noticed the rock had been used to smash in the center front of my windshield glass shattering it but not penetrating to the interior. 

So ...... police report, called windshied mobile glass repair, talked on phone with some friends about the incident, and was wondering if for some reason I had severely angered someone. The policewoman who responded to the incident simply said she thought it a random act of vandalism, and I am hoping there won't be a repeat (perhaps I do need to get my security web cams up and operational sooner instead of later).

Crime and resulting criminal damages are conscious acts, bad choices in life injuring both self and others and the community economics and eventually the entire environment and all in it. No one is untouched by the bad choices criminals make in their lives. No one. The one who ultimately suffers the most is the criminal who so wastes his soul and life. There is no such things as a victimless crime! Justice prevails.

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