Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A poem for Dr. Eddy .... all about rhythm ....


Creating a poem of your thoughts or to communicate with others is very helpful in many ways .... selecting the right words to express your thoughts and keeping the arithmetic count of the syllables per line so that their is a rhythmic percussion to the poetry that plays in your mind when reading it. In his series How Music Works, Howard Goodall presents theories that rhythm recalls how we walk and the heartbeat we heard in the womb. More likely is that a simple pulse or di-dah beat recalls the footsteps of another person. Our sympathetic urge to dance is designed to boost our energy levels in order to cope with someone, or some animal chasing us – a fight or flight response. From a less Darwinist perspective, perceiving rhythm is the ability to master the otherwise invisible dimension, time.  The Morse code language is all about rhythm and its shorts and longs of pulses transmitted/received.

Rhythm is "any measured flow or movement, symmetry") ... "Movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions." While rhythm most commonly applies to sound, such as music and spoken language, it may also refer to visual presentation, as "timed movement through space."

Poems are art creations that use the media of language with words and writing set to rhythm. Sometimes I just need to express myself by creating a poem expressing a pleasant purpose for being alive.

In His Life Now

Dr. E is now 59,
He is handsome and in his prime.

Helps us to use Corel Painter,
Opacity makes things fainter...

Brushes, layers, colors, to use,
Gradients, patterns, all amuse.

Grids, selections, scales, and options,
Clones, papers, other adoptions.

Students who enroll in his class,
They never fail and always pass.


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