Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is Religion a Concept?

I believe Religion is a concept, realized by man since the beginning of civilization.  However, it fails the definition of being a true concept in that a concept is something defined as being generally understood to represent the same abstract thought, and to be true for many different persons in the world regardless of the language word used to denote/connote it. So Religion, instead of being a true concept, is more an idea and philosophy (theology) application of the original concept when early man human beings first began contemplating death, and perhaps  felt their soul or part of them would continue to an after life existence, or they had a direct spiritual experience imparting to them their religious thoughts to be acted upon. I wonder if it were the contemplation of their inevitable mortal death, or the need to control the events around them during their life (such as the rain dances, medicine men, and fertility rituals of the Native American Indian). Religion, as a concept, is a product of man's evolution and is a sign of his development of abstract reasoning and higher consciousness intellectual/mental functioning.
Religions (earlier known to man as Mythology/Myths), are all social organizations, and as such are man's inventions for conforming groups of people to socially acceptable, actively advocated morals, ethics, and behavior with respect to what it believes is the higher authority.  Native American Indian tribes were distinguished one from another by their spiritual beliefs, practices, dances, and burial customs.  Judaism has extensive rites, rituals, and customs for burying their dead, probably more so that any other religion we know of. It is what happens after death that defines most religions on earth.  Whether or not government is an extension of a religion or vice versa or totally separate is yet another variable of the many religions (social organizations) within the country they exist.  Russian, China, and other governments realized that churches are detrimental because churches organize large numbers of people for particular causes and religious movements could be detrimental or even consider subversive to the state.

The Bible states "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I (God) be also."

Fortunately, in America we are guaranteed the right to free assembly, but it and just like the other Bill of Rights may be in jeopardy without constant vigilance to insure they are honored fully and violators effectively corrected from eroding the Bill of Rights, an important cornerstone of our government.

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