Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Normal ? Or Not....


Normal is not all that great,

Subnormal is not all that bad,

Paranormal is weird fate,

Abnormal is a fact to add.


The poem’s subject is one that is sometimes over emphasized.... normalcy .... yet it is always there to remind us of the expectations of others... Happily sometimes we are able to exceed their expectations in a positive way!

Some reviewers have questioned my ealier line writing "some fate" and the answer is that paranormal is more than just a fate ... so much more .... that is why I wrote “some fate” .... then "part fate" then settled on "weird fate" .... it is an ingredient in the quality of being paranormal.

There is a fine line delicate link between intelligence, psychic, and psychotic ... your intelligence is the key to staying in control in mysterious paranormal abilities. Most all paranormal abilities have to be developed and usually individually since others do not sense or feel what you do.

I am sure that everyone has that special quality that surpasses normalcy and that is what to look for when considering others. I shall try to remember that, and so the poem I spent so much agonizing over to get the last line “normal” for the rest of the poem’s lines was worth the time and thought.

The last line “Abnormal is a fact to add” .... is why normalcy is desired .... if abnormal then there is more work required to “exception case” identify and accomodate the abnormalities. No one likes extra work and everyone has better things to do with their time than addressing special needs of an abnormal subject.

Programming is mostly all about providing for the exceptions to normalcy... one has to develop the program so that it handles ALL cases which might ever be encountered in processing input to output... it is easy to code the routine normal processing, but extremely difficult to imagine and anticipate/accommodate the exceptional cases that might be entered. If the programmer developer fails to adequately provide for all conditions of all cases then you have allowed latent opportunistic bugs to exist by your negligence and lack of adequate provisions for abnormalities.

Even if something is impossible and the path of the code should never get to that point, exits must be coded in case the impossible happens (usually as a fault elsewhere in the program processing).... The program developer must think and consider everything possible and impossible and provide proper processing.... then the program developer constructs a test environment to test the program for everything possible and impossible thoroughly to see the program is processing correctly. Eventually, this work does influence the programmer and his life and how he lives it similarly. It is much more complicated than a chess game and the stakes are higher.

As to the poem about being Normal? Or Not ...

There are endless variations and possibilities for that poem ... not only changing adjectives of last word on line, but changing the last word and other words that rhyme with it and changing the number of lines, stanzas, meter, and so on ... Cohesiveness is as necessary as coherence ....

Maybe the poem piqued your interest enough for you to want to modify it ..... I find that when I read poetry written by others I often want to modify the ending lines or something in the poem .... and sometimes do so just for my own enjoyment .... hence over history the many versions in the various languages for selected works of literature ....

I don’t believe “Thou shalt not tamper” .... (or do not alter) is an acceptable rule since in software many times we need to take something as a model or as a launch pad with which to develop to our own custom needs and uses ...

Even restoration of historical paintings allows the painter to “enhance” as his conscience allows him while trying too preserve the integrity of the original artist’s work ... time is an artist modifying everything in preserved Art and so one must consider time when creating something. 

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