Sunday, November 7, 2010

Measurements and Measuring Salinity of Water

I wanted to measure the salinity in my Koi pools and didn't know how or if I could do that. Some member in a Yahoo group (A Garden With Water), told me to buy a refractometer so off I went for online shopping at Marine Depot to buy such an instrument. At Marine Depot they also had hydrometers that do the same thing but by reading the product reviews it seems the refractometer is more accurate  and higher quality.... 

So .... I spent about $57 FOR REFRACTOMETER TODAY ...

Measurements ..... where would we be without measurements ... 

Think how often you measure something in your daily lives ... or at least make rough estimates ... or use relative measurements such as in distances, comparing one distance to some bench mark distance .... Everything in our modern life is a result of measurements.  The clock is a measurement of time ..... So many different devices used to make measurements .... our brain is a calculator constantly processing its own measurements within our body to maintain equilibrium and balance... homeostasis? 

Multiple dynamic equilibrium adjustment and regulation mechanisms make homeostasis possible.
With regards to any given life system parameter, an organism may be a conformer or a regulator. On one hand, regulators try to maintain the parameter at a constant level over possibly wide ambient environmental variations. On the other hand, conformers allow the environment to determine the parameter. For instance, endothermic animals (mammals and birds) maintain a constant body temperature, while exothermic animals (almost all other organisms) exhibit wide body temperature variation.

I also spent the day constructing the 3 way arch to support my sweet acacia trees (training them for a verdant arch), and of course I had to take measurements in the process .... took photos as we made progress (Bob, my next door neighbor is helping me)... I will wait till the tripod top is connected to the 3 vertical upright posts set 1 1/2 ft in the ground  before showing you the photos and recent photos of my KOI ... they have grown quite large and I think you will be surprised to see my most recent photos of them.

The Dr. weighs us on scales .... analog versus digital  and so on ... Talmk about it ? Ok, I will start with epigram I wrote below...( very short, ironic and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term is derived from the Greek epigramma meaning inscription).

 Measurements .... 

I do measure 
my own treasure 
with pure pleasure

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