Friday, November 5, 2010

What artists do? Conceptually ???

" Reinterpreting the world is what artists do, and each one of us should strive to do so in our own unique way—whether it involves reality, imagination, or a combination of the two." wrote Courtney Jordan (editor of Artist Daily)
Thinking about the quote above I read this morning I pondered her choice of words ....  computers are sometimes interpreters rarely reinterpreters. However, people are necessarily always reinterpreters since because of their gestalt and individuality not two can create the exact same thing.
  1. in·ter·pret/inˈtərprit/Verb

    1. Explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions): "interpret the evidence".
    2. Translate orally the words of another person speaking a different language.  
and the definition of reinterpret .. 
to interpret again; specif., to give a new explanation or exposition of .... ???? (the key word being "New" and the not the same as ?)

I believe everyone is an innate artist and that some of us are perhaps more trained, talented, and experienced than others ... If you can appreciate the subtle difference between interpretation and reinterpretation I guess you are artistically inclined. So many different artists have painted or photographed their version (or in other chosen media) of a rose and yet a rose is a rose is a rose by any other name, or is it? Not if you are an artist! It is a work of art and may not even be recognizable as a rose and most certainly is not like any other rose you have ever seen if the artist is any good at all.
(a photo by Yolanda of rose in her garden)  

Courtney also wrote, "As a viewer, when I see a painting that isn't based on reality it is like being set free. No rules apply when it comes to interpretation......reinterpretation is... inspiration... to new thoughts and ideas about how to interpret the visual information around us..... "

Could it be that when we die,
 reinterpreted by God = Artist,
 our soul in his gallery is timeless art?

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