Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Get Real....... HOW?

Will the younger generation even know what we older folks mean when we say things aren't real anymore?  Have you looked at Toys R Us toy store or other toys being sold to the children recently?  I don't know how to describe it .... something is missing .... really a whole lot is missing .... 

Television, IPODs, electronic books, computer games, model this and model that, and everything that consumes a battery imaginable .... but where are the trips to nature's fishing holes with Dad? The bicycling along back woods country roads? Sledding down the hill?  Tree houses where you are up and above it all? Real puppies and not battery charged ones? Building birdhouses in the tool shed? You can't even find a real sailboat at Toys R US.... they even asked, "What?" How about visits with friends where the fun is in playing with one another and not both playing with some THING! or going to the garden to pick fresh corn, tomatoes, and radishes for lunch time picnic in the yard?  Ice cream socials, barn dances, or neighborhood party skating on the frozen pond? 

Talk about a generation gap .... grandma doesn't even own a computer yet grandson is a wizard at using one. Fresh air, pure water, and birds and bees .... ??? Fresh air now has to come from machines if you happen to have one and if not then you suck the dirt in, pure water is to be found only in bottles for a price, and the birds and bees.... they have almost become extinct (except for pigeons, sparrows, and noisy blackbird caw caws).

For the next generation, it will be cyber, virtual, and outer space voyages while the senior generation, the real ones, the old ones, the past, all gradually pass away without any real sense of loss. Life goes on, real or not. Maybe one day we will be able to know what life is and be able to define it.

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