Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making the Right Choices in Life

Crime is the result of wrong choices. The Criminal Justice System prosecutes criminals, but .....
Defamation is a word that describes a viciously cruel weapon that exists in a low life adversary's arsenal ..... defamation of character ....For example: it is illegal in America to  abuse another, but so hard to prosecute the perpetrator who has used the criminal justice system criminally to severely injure another, and the damage done is irreparable. 
Simply falsely accusing another of a minor offense (nonexistent), easily causing them to be arrested, and tried in an over burdened court of laws (courts and judges sometimes worthy only of contempt) with paid witnesses perjuring testimony sufficient to cause the targeted victim an unjust conviction, and in doing so creating enormous time and cost for the necessary defense against the liar by the defamed defendant, resulting in defamation of character of the falsely accused, ruining reputation and credibility socially, professionally, and creating damages to the extended family is a modern day insidious, noxious mortal sin offense not unlike what happened to Jesus in ancient history.  People and their sins and problems persist.  Crime persists.  Blasphemy exists.  Shit Happens! Wars waste wantonly and the victor lacks value, valor, and virtue.
Perhaps powers on earth that are creating the future are going to provide only a computer interactive menu with allowable correct choices to choose so that it is impossible to make the wrong choice. Already this is happening in business web site interfaces. Do you know how frustrating it is interacting with computer interfaces that collects info before allowing you to continue and in the list of options, the one you need to have is not present?  You can not continue.  They do not want to allow that to happen. They also do not provide any way to give them feedback of the inadequacy of their list of choices? If God had not provided something that was forbidden, then there would never have been the original sin.... ??? Failsafe. Will the future ensure that there is no possible way a person can make the wrong choice in any of their thoughts or deeds? Perhaps individual originality will be the new original sin?

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